Кусок slapd.conf, посвящённый правам доступа к базе. $ROOT_DN надо заменить на root_dn сервера:
# # [ GLOBAL ACCESS CONTROL ] # # See slapd.access(5) for details access to attrs=userPassword by self write by dn="cn=Manager,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=Replicator,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=proxyuser,$ROOT_DN" read by dn="cn=webuser,$ROOT_DN" auth by anonymous auth by * none access to attrs=sambaLMPassword, attr=sambaNTPassword by self write by dn="cn=Manager,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=Replicator,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=proxyuser,$ROOT_DN" auth by dn="cn=webuser,$ROOT_DN" auth by anonymous auth by * none access to attr=shadowLastChange, attr=shadowFlag, attr=shadowMax, attr=shadowMin, attr=shadowInactive, attr=shadowWarning, attr=shadowExpire by self read by dn="cn=Manager,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=Replicator,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=proxyuser,$ROOT_DN" auth by dn="cn=webuser,$ROOT_DN" auth by * none access to * by dn="cn=Manager,$ROOT_DN" write by dn="cn=Replicator,$ROOT_DN" write by * read
Дата создания: 2006-05-24 14:11:01 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Последнее изменение: 2006-05-24 14:11:01 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Владелец: Фетисов Н. А. (naf)
Версия: 1
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