"Perhaps the most important achievement of UNIX is to demonstrate that a powerful operating system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human effort: UNIX can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years were spent on the main system software." The UNIX Time-Sharing System (1974) Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken Thompson
The HP-UX Kernel: Basic Organization [en] - обзор принципов организации HP-UX, хотя значительная часть применима к любой UN*X.
Дата создания: 2006-05-24 13:04:23 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Последнее изменение: 2006-09-04 07:23:02 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Владелец: Фетисов Н. А. (naf)
Версия: 4 Все версии
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