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Патч к OddMuse

Патч для работы OddMuse под mod_perl.

Патч для 1.432 (2004-07-05)

--- current-1.432	2004-06-28 23:36:33 +0400
+++ current	2004-07-04 16:33:36 +0400
@@ -280,11 +280,8 @@
   $ScriptName = $q->url() unless defined $ScriptName; # URL used in links
   $FullUrl = $ScriptName unless $FullUrl; # URL used in forms
   $Now = time;	       # Reset in case script is persistent
-  if (not $LastUpdate) { # mod_perl: stat should be unnecessary since LastUpdate persists.
-    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks)
-      = stat($IndexFile);
-    $LastUpdate = $mtime;
-  }
+  $LastUpdate = (stat($IndexFile))[9];
   $InterSiteInit = 0;
   %InterSite = ();
   $NearSiteInit = 0;
@@ -295,6 +292,15 @@
   $RssInterwikiTranslateInit = 0;
   %RssInterwikiTranslate = ();
   %Locks = ();
+  # Init variables for mod_perl
+  $IndexInit =0;
+  @Blocks = ();
+  @Flags = ();
+  $Fragment = '';
+  %RecentVisitors = ();
+  %PagePermanentAnchors = ();
   $OpenPageName = '';  # Currently open page
   $PrintedHeader = 0;  # Error messages don't print headers unless necessary
   CreateDir($DataDir); # Create directory if it doesn't exist
@@ -407,8 +413,8 @@
   return Clean(GetDownloadLink($OpenPageName, (substr($1, 0, 6) eq 'image/'), $revision))
     if ($text =~ m/^#FILE ([^ \n]+)\n/);
   local $Fragment = ''; # the clean HTML fragment not yet on @Blocks
-  local @Blocks;  # the list of cached HTML blocks
-  local @Flags;	  # a list for each block, 1 = dirty, 0 = clean
+  local @Blocks=();     # the list of cached HTML blocks
+  local @Flags=();	# a list for each block, 1 = dirty, 0 = clean
   local @HtmlStack = ();
   my $htmlre = join('|',(@HtmlTags));
   my $smileyregex = join "|", keys %Smilies;
@@ -754,7 +760,8 @@
     @pages = @pages[0 .. $num - 1] if $#pages >= $num;
     if (@pages) {
       # Now save information required for saving the cache of the current page.
-      local (%Page, $OpenPageName);
+      local %Page;
+      local $OpenPageName='';
       print '<div class="journal">';
       PrintAllPages(1, 1, @pages);
       print '</div>';
@@ -2370,6 +2377,7 @@
   if ($IndexHash{$id}) {
     %Page = ParseData(ReadFileOrDie(GetPageFile($id)));
   } else {
+    %Page = ();
     $Page{ts} = $Now;
     $Page{revision} = 0;
     if ($id eq $HomePage and (open(F,'README') or open(F,"$DataDir/README"))) {
@@ -3429,7 +3437,6 @@
   WriteRcLog($id, $summary, $minor, $revision, $user, $host, $languages, GetCluster($new));
   if ($revision == 1) {
     unlink($IndexFile);	 # Regenerate index on next request
-    $IndexInit = 0; # mod_perl: this variable may persist accross sessions
     if (grep(/^$id$/, @LockOnCreation)) {
       WriteStringToFile(GetLockedPageFile($id), 'editing locked.');

Дата создания: 2006-05-24 16:07:33 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Последнее изменение: 2006-05-24 16:07:33 (Фетисов Н. А. (naf))
Владелец: Фетисов Н. А. (naf)
Версия: 1

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